Kara Swanson's Brain Injury Blog

February 14, 2020

I Listen To You, Too!

Filed under: Uncategorized — karaswanson @ 2:22 pm

Some of you, God bless you, have been reading my blog now for more than ten years.  And I’ve known some of you since my first book came out 20 years ago.  We have navigated this remarkable journey together and true kudos to all of you who have been returning to read my blah blah blah every month all these years.   LOLOL   God knows how I love you…  You have no idea how your kind words have soo inspired me and how the wisdom and information you have shared here have helped so many, all around the globe, in return.

Us, together.


I just wanted you to know that I have listened, too.  Over the years, countless people have told me how their copies of, “I’ll Carry the Fork!  Recovering a Life After Brain Injury” were ear-marked and full of highlighter pens or notes.  Filled my heart. 🙂

Many of you know how, when my publisher went out of business, so, too, did my Fork book.  Soon pirates were stealing the book, copying it and selling it on Amazon for ridiculous prices.  That really upset me.  Nothing like taking good folks who have sustained a blow to their entire world and try to scam them for $ 600 a copy.


I decided to slay the pirates.  🙂

It’s taken me more time than I want to admit to navigate the demands of editing and figuring and measuring and repeating steps a hundred times.  Thankfully, I am dogged when it comes to you.  When it comes to us.


I tweaked the 3rd Edition of my book so that people searching for useful information can identify it now quickly and know that it is safe and not pirated.  Because I have listened to you all these years, I changed the interior paper to white for easier reading.  I added blank pages for note-taking.

And, because I know, too well, how brain injury often dismantles us financially, I made it less expensive so that it can better reach those who need it the most.

While it is surely a personal achievement, I wanted you to know how much a part you played in helping me to shape it better for those coming behind us.

Thank you.

Look for the version with the 3rd Edition and the purple border around the cover.  Harder for pirates to hijack this time.  🙂


Wishing you all a day of love on this day of love.  Know how much I appreciate you and hear you, even when it seems I’m the one doing all the talking.

Happy Valentine’s Day.  Thank you for everything.

I love you.  Kara


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